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Bacterial Vaginosis - Why Does Natural Remedy Work?

Permanent BV cure incidents are most often from natural treatments - but they are well-planned, and not any accident

Here I share my understanding of why one can get rid of their bacterial vaginosis using completely natural remedy systems better than anything else in the longer run. Reading what I now understand after my personal study and research on bacterial vaginosis and how that helps people get cured forever is worth only if you want to get rid of your BV in a natural way.

If you have been diagnosed with BV, you would have experienced a vaginal itch and odor with brownish or yellowish/greenish discharge coming out, and/or the other symptoms. As the days progres, it can go from bad to worse if left untreated. The fishy smell that often accompanies the issue makes it embarrassing to face the society in fear of being "found out" and the special one also - the sexual life gets devastated.

Now, the way that the conventional treatment systems work is that they kill the bacteria in the vagina. They kill the good and the bad bacteria alike. This can potentially disbalance the ratio of good to bad bacteria, although one would experience a temporary relief. And after the antibiotic stops, the good bacteria grows back and the bad bacteria also grows back with it often enough. Think about it - you had just killed some bacteria but otherwise had altered fundamentally nothing inside the system, so if the good bacteria could grow back why not the bad bacteria? And once the bad bacteria also grows back, you again are down with your bacterial vaginosis. And this is when you think that your BV is recurring.

But think about it, did you BV ever really go away? No. It was simply suppressed.

After reading the above, do you now understand why BV often turns out to be recurring? That's because, it is never eliminated in the first place, only suppressed.

And this is what a good natural treatment system will take care of. Rather than trying to kill the bacteria by brutal chemical force, it would simply alter the environment inside the vagina so that the bad bacteria dies on its own and does not grow back. Think about it - why did you not have BV at an earlier stage of your life? That's because, your vaginal environment was not conducive of birth of the bad bacteria. Something changed over time, and then your vagina could house the bad bacteria. This change is reversed by the BV natural remedy systems.

What is the change that these systems make? The root cause of the vagina becoming capable of housing the bad bacteria is the change in the pH level (acidity) inside the vagina. So the natural remedy systems undertake the job of restoring your vaginal pH (acidity) back to normal - like it was in the days when you did not have bacterial vaginosis.

And once you reach there, your BV will disappear simply because the bad bacteria that had grown in the undesirable pH (acidity) can no longer survive.

Do you see why going for a natural treatment system makes sense? Also, understand that I am talking about an end-to-end system here, not the methods that would initially arrest your BV. You need to make sure that the BV does not come back too, by maintaining the right level of vaginal pH (acidity). This maintenance also needs to be natural - it simply does not make sense to take medication (chemicals) throughout your life if you can manage better otherwise.

Personally, I used to like Kristina's system of natural remedy and I used to recommend it to people asking me about natural treatments for BV. However, I don't know why, she has decided not to sell her book any longer. While I do have my copy of it, it is also copyrighted by her so sadly, I cannot give it away. With that method, BV used to be completely eliminated using natural elements and lifestyle modifications (far beyond merely regular change of undergarments - she has a much more systematic approach than that). My erstwhile review of her book was here.

However, since the book was taken away, and in the meantime people other than Kristina also used their experiences as well as their domain knowledge, I now see that there are really good alternatives available on Amazon, and the pricing of those books is rational - around 10 dollars plus or minus. Kristina's book was much more expensive at almost 40 dollars. But thanks to the new alternative books that are practically equally good in quality but way less expensive costing only 1/4th of what Kristina's book used to cost - you actually save money by buying one of the two books that I refer below (just getting one is enough). Note, these are all based on per oxide and boric acid and probiotics - stuff that you would also find online - but I still recommend you buy any one of the books because it puts a system - a guiding framework - to your approach, helping you become disciplined with it and carry it out end-to-end. If you are exceptionally self-disciplined, I suggest you don't worry about getting any of these books. Just use the supplements I have suggested here.

The first book is this: Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Now: Three Days to Freedom, Freshness & Femininity. Below is a snapshot of what the cover looks like, so that you can double-check you are getting the right one.

And here is the other book: Curing Bacterial Vaginosis Naturally: Finally Resolve that Fishy Smell. Below is a snapshot, again, for you to check what it looks like.

Once again, don't get both the books - just get any one of the two. One is long-standing and the other is newer, but both are great. If you are confused for some reason, buy the first one.

Balance Complex for women

vH Essentials

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